Hello all!
Now that we are back in Antigua, our internet access has improved. We are still here and having an awesome time in this amazing country. I really think Guatemala has made an impact on all of us here.
Our time in Peten was everything we could have wanted- we cleaned cages, made diets, learned a LOT about how to rehabilitate animals, as well as a lot about conservation. It has hit home how much the choices we make at home affect ecosystems all over the world. And of course, the animals were great to be around- spider monkeys, howler monkeys, parrots galore, coatis and macaws, just to name a few. We were woken up every morning to the sounds of the scarlet macaws in pre-rehab and the wild howler monkeys who liked to hang outside our cabins. We couldn't have asked for a better experience, and many of us are already planning our trips back...
When we moved on to Hawaii a few days ago, we really got to see the spectrum of habitats in Guatemala. There, we were on the beach, instead of deep in the forest, though the conservation issues were just as prevalent. We learned about they types of sea turtles on the beach and went out on patrol with the other volunteers 3 nights in a row looking for nests. We had one olive ridley sea turtle spotting, and were there for the rescue of a sea turtle nest by ARCAS- a really special experience! There may now be a few more sea turtles in the ocean in a few months because of that nest.
All in all, although we haven't been able to update much, we have been having an amazing, life-changing experience. Making new friends, learning new things, and I know that Randi and I have really enjoyed traveling with all your awesome kids and getting to know them better.
We will sadly say goodbye to Guatemala in a few days, but are looking forward to seeing you all again and sharing our experiences. Adios!
--Melinda, Randi, and all the gang!