Monday, June 30, 2008

Just 8 days to an adventure of a lifetime!

At 7:20 pm on July 8, 2008 teens Arianne Olarig, Michael Horgan, Olivia Brown, Maddy Zamora, Sabrina Lovato, Karin Petrites, Marissa Betts, Donovan Allen, Karin Nguyen, Cameron Jones and two staff from the Oakland Zoo - Felicia Walker and Randi Meyer will be flying the friendly skies on their way to Uganda and Rwanda. Why on Earth are you going there, you ask? Because on this experience of a lifetime we will see hippos, chimpanzees, gorillas, hornbills, warthogs, elephants, giraffes and much, much more. We will not just be armchair travelers either because that is not how we roll! We will be visiting, and even helping, some of the projects that the Zoo supports such as the Budongo Snare Removal Project We are certain this journey will change the way the teens see the world and their place in it!

Our seventeen day adventure takes us to a plethora of spots in Uganda that is teaming with wildlife and we end our trip visiting the mountain gorillas in Rwanda.

Stay tuned as we hope to get some updates on this site throughout our journey, though as it is Africa and we will be busy little bees, we only promise to do our best!

1 comment:

Tgia Clay said...

Hi Donovan!
So you beat your Aunt Raqim to our roots--Africa. I want you to know how proud we all are of you. This is a trip of a lifetime with an organization that is well-respected and teaching you much. I know that you will become an amazing vetenarian. Always know that we are very proud of you.
Love, Aunt Raqim