Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Still here having a great time!!!!

Hi all!

This is only the second time I could get to a pc. I sent pictures via my phone and had another OZ staff member download. I do not have much time so I will make this snappy!

First I would like to say that we love to see your comments so keep ‘em coming!

We have seen – Lions with a fresh kill, a ton of hippos (including ones walking right by our tents at night!) 20 or so crocks, a plethora of warthogs, water buck, cape buffalo, kob, jackals, hornbills, bee eaters, hawks, bush pigs, chimps (including a cute baby), king fishers, bustards, heartabeasts, baboons, patos, blue & red tailed and vervet monkeys… Gosh, I know I am forgetting some biggies here.

When we went to Budongo (the place the Zoo supports), we were given the royal treatment. We got to trek where only researchers are allowed and that is where we saw our first group of wild chimps. They also had a special high-school group come who study conservation and agriculture. The group sang to us and we all hung out and exchanged stories and email addresses. The snare removal folks took us out to remove snares and we found 9! One snare even had a fresh duiker kill in it!

Now we are at Queen Elizabeth park and I splurged to let the kids go swimming in a pool that hoity-toity folks use. It cost $10 per person but it is well worth it. We are all so sweaty and dirty. Tonight we are going on a special night game drive where a lion specialist will be taking us out. Yet another golden opportunity that other tourists do not get a chance to do.

The kids, and Felicia and I too, are having the time of our lives! We are all still getting along great and really enjoying Uganda and each other. This has been a trip of a lifetime and I say that for myself too!

Love and thanks to you all!

Randi and the rest of the Gang!


Marlisa said...

Thank you so much for the update, it made our day! It is so wonderful to hear your passion and excitement! We are so proud of all of you and we are proud of oursleves as well;because we have made it eight days without Maddy. I am sure like all the parents we miss our kids but are so thrilled they are all having this amazing time!
Love to all
The Zamora's

seyem said...

We also thank you for the great update. Yikes, you guys are seeing animals that we never knew existed! It really sounds like everyone is having a fabulous time. Please tell Karin that Alphonse is doing well & that Shim has shed a skin (but I'm not taking it out of the tank!).
Love you all,
The Petrites Family

Anonymous said...

I think that this is such an amazing opportunity for all of those stupendous kids!! Tell Maddy that I am extremely jealous of her and that everyone at PCI is proud of her!


Lovatos said...

We love reading this blog, and we are still so excited that all of you are having this wonderful experience. To Sabrina Bee, I have the feeling that you may not want to come home, but YOU HAVE TO!! We hope you are saving your thoughts and memories by writing in your journal every day. We can't wait for you to come home so Romeo will get off of our bed!

Much love,

The Lovato Family

danette said...

Maddy, we just got back and wanted to say how happy we are that you all are having such a great time. What an experience! Enjoy every minute, and don't worry about things at home -- I'll make sure your mom does all the things that she needs to! (hee hee)

Love you lots!!
The Ondi Family

melinda.sievert said...

What is a heartabeast?! I need to google that...

So glad to hear you are having the trip of a lifetime! Everyone keep yourselves happy and healthy (make sure Donovan and Mike don't go running after any venemous snakes), and I can't wait to see you when you get back!


Olarig said...

Hello everyone,
We appreciate all the updates. I love to read your updates over and over again and can't get enough of it.
Arianne, dad is home this week. He is working in San Jose. Chris left to Fresno. Wang went to Thailand on Thursday. We will drive Kaurakit to UC Santa Cruz tomorrow (Sunday). Lanai just went back to her mom this morning. And guss what? Andrea got her new guitar today! Woody is doing well.
With Love,
The Olarigs